1. It should be in English
2. It should be updated on quite a regular basis
3. It shouldn't promote violence.
I was thinking for quite a while about a site I visit regularly and which meets all three points. The fact is most sites I visit are in Polish, so choosing one that'd be in English was not so easy for me. Finally I made up my mind and choosed to recommend you the Encyclopaedia Metallum, which is the biggest source of information about the metal bands in the net. What the very name suggests, it's an encyclopedia of the black art, it provides you with everything a true metalhead should know. To give you an example of what you can find there, I'll copy a part of the profile of the Norwegian black metal band Mayhem:

So what do you think? Is it a recommendation enough?
Oh, I cannot find Celine Dion there... why?:)))
Probably because Celine's music is somewhere between grindcore and gore metal. And, unfortunately, that kind of music is not present at Encyclopaedia Metallum :))
This is why I enjoy the blogging project so much: I would not ever suspect anything like "Encyclopaedia Metallum" existed, so I'm glad you chose it and recommended it to us. From blogs like this one I learn new things about the world, and it is an exhilarating experience. Not that I will ever go and study the site to its depth - I don't think anyone would expect so much sacrifice from a simple IT instructor. ;)
Anyway, thanks M. for your posts - somehow I have been missing out on your blog so far - I just discovered its address scribbled in my notebook, together with a few others. I'll keep track of it from now on, sure thing! :)
I can't find my Justin here. Sorry, that's not the page for me:(
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